Child our message is here.
Continue listening. Breathing. Growing. Stay focused internally. Going slowly, concentrating on love and light, allowing your light to grow so that others can find their way through you. You need not focus on intellect nor impressing others – for you already know for yourself. Your journey is uniquely your own and it is through your own eyes that you have found the way. Allow others the privacy and solitude to discover their way, not from your experience but from their own. Teaching only blocks -- words only interfere --help comes only when we are ready to receive.
Stay clear, stay here. No rush. Breathe. Release, relax, allow, be free of thought, free of outward interference. Stay interiorized, stay calm, stay full of love and light. That's it. Stay right here, don't jump ahead of yourself.
What's your rush child? To write for the world? For what? For whom? The world is yours and yours alone. When you own it; feel it, embrace it so thoroughly, so deeply, there are no words, only experience. Unfortunately experience can never be fully shared nor understood, that's why we have metaphors, like the little diddy we sent you this morning.
Row row row your boat, yes, row your own boat child, for that is all you have. You got one vessel this time around, so make it last. Take care, stay afloat, keep your oars in the water when you must steer your course. For the most part, if you stay tuned in, stay focused within, listening to Us, allowing Us to guide and direct your path – and do so with an open heart and mind, with compassion and understanding for others, you will float merrily merrily merrily downstream. But when the waters aren't so easy, when you need to step in and make deliberate choices or take deliberate action, consciously use those God-given oars. Pick them up intently, use them lovingly and let them assist you in your journey. For life is but a dream. Yes child, you are aware of the bigger picture, the life behind this earthly life. Soul life requires you to tune in to Us so we can show you the easy path, the way where your doors open miraculously, because you are wise enough to keep your oars out of the water, to follow Our current, the natural path. In this path, things will not be “good” or “bad” but what is, and with Our help, you can see things this way, to be more able to accept this for it is in the best interest of your soul's evolution as well as the evolution of the collective.
Thank you child -- for you are a willing participant, a loving child who is trying, doing her part step by step. That is the row row row part, step-by-conscious, loving-step and you will do just fine. Don't get ahead. Just take things step by step . . . Life is but a dream. Yes, dream child, dream big, with love, with everything you have, and, with Us, all your dreams are already granted. For everything is here already, fully manifested, you only need Our eyes to help illuminate this truth, to find treasure and to show others that there's treasure enough for all.
Yes, it's funny isn't it? That such a little diddy can be so powerful, so profound. Small things pack a big punch. In those innocuous happenings, those small little moments, is where all is found. That innocuous diddy, sung over and over as a child, and mostly sung in groups, with each child taking a part. It's a mindless reverie, a mantra, yes! A chant, a rhythm to get out of your head and to take you away. We each sing a verse in the song, each part affects the whole. What on the surface seems so simple is yet so full, so rich – Each interpretation is relative to however one is seeing in the current time (pun), yes. If disconnected and unaware, you see only fear, singing only through logic, just empty words.
But when aligned, you see the ease, you see how that when you get it, you need no logical explanation or interpretation. You need not words to experience the pleasure of flowing gently, easily down stream. You can play and allow others to flow any which way they choose too. That's the point.
Stay in your boat, go easy, but consciously, always aware of where you are and how your heart, mind and soul are operating. If with love, you will glide merrily downstream, without the need to pick up your oars, for We are assisting your course. If taken off guard, if you slip up for a moment, your oars are readily available.
Dream child. Keep dreaming. Keep playing with spirit. Don't miss the show because the earthly show is so full of delightful pleasures. Such bright colors, such beauty and uniqueness to be breathed in and appreciated. Stay inward and therefore your outward dream will be a good one.
God Bless
And so it is.
From Jewels Heart
For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 KJV
An old round goes like this:
Row row row your boat!
Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream!