Dear God,
Please guide my steps. Please provide refuge. Please keep me in Trust. In joy. Not pulled by the world but aligned with You, with Your Word. I want to be in rhythm with Your Will, Your Plan.
Thank you.
Yes patience. It's quite difficult to stay in patience. To yield to the moment. For it is in the moment where your power lives. It's where the magic takes place. For full presence allows you to unveil, to discover all that lies beneath the personality that you have believed to be you.
You are so much more child. Beneath the layers, beneath the stories, beneath the conditioning lies a vast spacious, pure potential. A fire. A light. It is vibrant. It is all-powerful. all-knowing, magnetic, delicious, delightful.
You must stay. Stay in each moment. Without resistance. Without worry. Without angst. Yes, it is your challenge.
Give time throughout the day to BE. As you allow BEING, you will feel alive, one with the Universe, I, will greet you everywhere, in everything. The magic will happen like fireworks.
Life is to be savored. It is a beautiful show of light and dark. Just enjoy the show. Without judgment. Without comparison.
Watch your words. Watch your thoughts. Be in joy child. Stay in joy always. Delight in others. Watch them. Observe always with neutrality.
Learn. Learn from everything. Learn from within each moment.
Today, stay. Stay in the moments. Breathe. Notice. Become aware of your inner dialogue.
Speak to yourself with love child. Remember I am with you. Love YOU.
I love you. I made you in order for you to realize that you are LOVE.
Remember. Remember. Remember.
Please guide my steps. Please provide refuge. Please keep me in Trust. In joy. Not pulled by the world but aligned with You, with Your Word. I want to be in rhythm with Your Will, Your Plan.
Thank you.
Yes patience. It's quite difficult to stay in patience. To yield to the moment. For it is in the moment where your power lives. It's where the magic takes place. For full presence allows you to unveil, to discover all that lies beneath the personality that you have believed to be you.
You are so much more child. Beneath the layers, beneath the stories, beneath the conditioning lies a vast spacious, pure potential. A fire. A light. It is vibrant. It is all-powerful. all-knowing, magnetic, delicious, delightful.
You must stay. Stay in each moment. Without resistance. Without worry. Without angst. Yes, it is your challenge.
Give time throughout the day to BE. As you allow BEING, you will feel alive, one with the Universe, I, will greet you everywhere, in everything. The magic will happen like fireworks.
Life is to be savored. It is a beautiful show of light and dark. Just enjoy the show. Without judgment. Without comparison.
Watch your words. Watch your thoughts. Be in joy child. Stay in joy always. Delight in others. Watch them. Observe always with neutrality.
Learn. Learn from everything. Learn from within each moment.
Today, stay. Stay in the moments. Breathe. Notice. Become aware of your inner dialogue.
Speak to yourself with love child. Remember I am with you. Love YOU.
I love you. I made you in order for you to realize that you are LOVE.
Remember. Remember. Remember.