Promise Me . . .
To love me . . . please show me -- by selfishly loving You -- All of You --
Please love yourself.
Please live with an attitude that embraces You so there can be a better us.
Please make up your mind to give attention to Your voice, use it as a guide to win each day's battle.
Please be good to yourself -- treat yourself kindly, gently, forgivingly . . . nurture your good tendencies.
Please learn how to listen to your feelings as they'll guide you towards overcoming unwanted tendencies, limiting habits of thought and behavior, opening the way for 'Self-expression.'
Please promise to keep checking in with yourself, beyond actions and reactions, but more deeply into feeling the underlying attitude and motive -- for seeing all the things God is watching.
Please serve yourself first well -- mind, body, spirit -- find space to rest, relax, and recharge -- for seeing from the inside -- for seeing pure, impartial light.
Please find the will to stay . . . connected -- for regaining energy and remaining willful in desire -- for restoring that perfect spark, that spark of Spirit nestled within.
Please promise that you'll keep examining. . . actions, reactions & adjusting in ways to really "see," All of You.
Please keep tapping the Source within; dialoging with the greater You -- allowing -- promising a greater Us..
I promise to do the same.
I promise I will love the greater Me first.
I promise I will strive to willfully cultivate the best version of Me
-- All of Me.
Our Promises to Each Other Will Yield The Greatest Merging Of Me & You.
The promises to our Self cannot be any different.
So let's promise each other . . .
I promise to keep asking for what I need.
I promise to allow myself to receive what I deserve.
I promise to continue practicing . . . asking & receiving.
I promise to allow forward progress by being unafraid, by feeling & always trusting, believing, and continually loving thy greater Self.
I promise to love thySelf; please promise to love Thyself.
And together WE shall allow His will to flow through our hearts -- in full allowance & with complete trust in a Divinely ordered universe that will always meet us exactly where we are..
Let's pinky swear
To love me . . . please show me -- by selfishly loving You -- All of You --
Please love yourself.
Please live with an attitude that embraces You so there can be a better us.
Please make up your mind to give attention to Your voice, use it as a guide to win each day's battle.
Please be good to yourself -- treat yourself kindly, gently, forgivingly . . . nurture your good tendencies.
Please learn how to listen to your feelings as they'll guide you towards overcoming unwanted tendencies, limiting habits of thought and behavior, opening the way for 'Self-expression.'
Please promise to keep checking in with yourself, beyond actions and reactions, but more deeply into feeling the underlying attitude and motive -- for seeing all the things God is watching.
Please serve yourself first well -- mind, body, spirit -- find space to rest, relax, and recharge -- for seeing from the inside -- for seeing pure, impartial light.
Please find the will to stay . . . connected -- for regaining energy and remaining willful in desire -- for restoring that perfect spark, that spark of Spirit nestled within.
Please promise that you'll keep examining. . . actions, reactions & adjusting in ways to really "see," All of You.
Please keep tapping the Source within; dialoging with the greater You -- allowing -- promising a greater Us..
I promise to do the same.
I promise I will love the greater Me first.
I promise I will strive to willfully cultivate the best version of Me
-- All of Me.
Our Promises to Each Other Will Yield The Greatest Merging Of Me & You.
The promises to our Self cannot be any different.
So let's promise each other . . .
I promise to keep asking for what I need.
I promise to allow myself to receive what I deserve.
I promise to continue practicing . . . asking & receiving.
I promise to allow forward progress by being unafraid, by feeling & always trusting, believing, and continually loving thy greater Self.
I promise to love thySelf; please promise to love Thyself.
And together WE shall allow His will to flow through our hearts -- in full allowance & with complete trust in a Divinely ordered universe that will always meet us exactly where we are..
Let's pinky swear