'Gratitude starts with simple thanks. It starts by saying, "thank you."
It only takes a "thank you." It's Simple. It's True.
When we're searching for something more; something to have . . . something we think we need to make us happy, we lack thanks. We can only give thanks for things that already are.
It's true . . . we all like being acknowledged, appreciated, noticed. Who doesn't?
If we could just take a moment today to move away from "notice me," so we can notice another. Today, try really listening and holding space for another. It takes just a moment to notice our "notice me" mentality. And if we stop to realize this little truth, life is filled with ease.
Today let's allow another to finish speaking without interrupting to get our point across. Today let's say, "tell me more," "thank you for sharing." With a big smile and true appreciation in the littlest things that someone says or does for us, let's say, "Thank you." And let's let life becomes easier, more beautiful.
So today let's see how many things we can find to say "thank you". Let's look into the eyes of another – feel them fully – and send them love and forgiveness for any ill they may harbor in their heart. Let's trust people. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's reach out. Let's take the lead. Let's turn away from fear & "notice me" by doing things that feel good for another . . . let's give ourselves to another.
So today let's look to notice another. Give another acknowledgement. Allow actions to bless others. And in so doing bring love, blessings, and gratitude.
Keeping noticing. Keep passing it forward. Keep opening the heart to share love, money, time . . . to share thanks.
Let's make up our minds to share Thanksgiving.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.!"
It only takes a "thank you." It's Simple. It's True.
When we're searching for something more; something to have . . . something we think we need to make us happy, we lack thanks. We can only give thanks for things that already are.
It's true . . . we all like being acknowledged, appreciated, noticed. Who doesn't?
If we could just take a moment today to move away from "notice me," so we can notice another. Today, try really listening and holding space for another. It takes just a moment to notice our "notice me" mentality. And if we stop to realize this little truth, life is filled with ease.
Today let's allow another to finish speaking without interrupting to get our point across. Today let's say, "tell me more," "thank you for sharing." With a big smile and true appreciation in the littlest things that someone says or does for us, let's say, "Thank you." And let's let life becomes easier, more beautiful.
So today let's see how many things we can find to say "thank you". Let's look into the eyes of another – feel them fully – and send them love and forgiveness for any ill they may harbor in their heart. Let's trust people. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's reach out. Let's take the lead. Let's turn away from fear & "notice me" by doing things that feel good for another . . . let's give ourselves to another.
So today let's look to notice another. Give another acknowledgement. Allow actions to bless others. And in so doing bring love, blessings, and gratitude.
Keeping noticing. Keep passing it forward. Keep opening the heart to share love, money, time . . . to share thanks.
Let's make up our minds to share Thanksgiving.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.!"