Keep listening. Keep praying. Breathe. Surrender. Allow. Persist. Stay in My Presence. Stay in trust. Continue following your heart, be your Authentic Self. Be unafraid to stand boldly. To speak Truth. To say My Name. Often. Loudly. With conviction. Without hesitation. For the world is ready my child. You have hesitated. You wanted to stay humble. I've told you to wait. To listen. To receive. To determine your why.
You are ready. You have the power. It is clean. It is clear. It is in the highest best. You have been tested and tried. You have passed with flying colors. You are aware of ego. You know when it peeks its head; you are better able to recognize, to adjust, to respond.
No doubt. No hesitation. No need to teach in a way that makes you seem like you are an expert. Continue cultivating self love in others. Help others to become aware of their magnificence.
Tell your story. Make light. Be fun. Remember child, be playful.
Play. Play. Play. I repeat this often. You realize today that you are to return to what makes you feel alive.
Do what makes you feel alive. What makes your soul sing? Dance, music, beach, water, fire, bike riding, hiking, smiling, joking, being connected with others, being in nature, swimming, entertaining, cooking, creating, writing. You're remembering who you are. As you do, you help ignite this remembrance in others.
I will guide each step of the way as I have been doing. Trust. Trust. Trust. Allow each to go their own unique way. Stay true to your individual unique path. Yours is written only for you.
Stay in the Light. Follow your own inner guidance.
Go child. Play.