ENERGY and How It Relates to Us For Healing
Our aura has a specific structure and is made up of seven layers. Just like the Russian matryoshka doll, the aura is like this and the smallest doll represents our physical body.
Each layer is larger than the other and each body intersects the others.
The first three bodies lie closest to our physical body:
If you want to take care of your health and well-being, it's essential to understand your own energy system. The human aura has areas that serve as energy depots and these areas store our energy and transmit it to our organs. They are known as chakras.
Our aura is a result of two force fields interacting– the cosmic (coming down) and the terrestrial (rising up). These forces cross as they travel through our bodies, and their central crossing points are where we find the chakras.
Our chakras help us transform the energy they receive from these two forces and the energy of our environment (diet, relationships, etc) into forms of energy that the body can utilize. Each chakra in our aura is strongly connected to the physical body, and governs certain physiological processes. This is why when one of our chakras is damaged, suffering can be immediately detected or traced in a related organ.
Our chakras must function properly if we want good health. When functioning healthily, it's similar to a mini shining tornado. If damaged, it begins to grow dull or wilted. We all have seven major chakras and they are based along the spine in specific places.
Each chakra energy spiral turns in a clockwise direction and exert and influence us through the etheric, astral, emotional and mental bodies. Each chakra creates a vibration, the frequency of which correlates with a specific color and sound.
COLOR affects our bodies very specifically. Color is the expression of vital generative life force of light, the force that sustains us. Color is actually wavelengths of active moving energy Each wavelength has a unique signature and characteristics that impact us in a specific way. Colors constantly interact with our bodies and greatly affect our feelings and emotions.
Just as colors affect us vibrationally, so does music. You can be in the gym and a rock track comes on the radio motivating you to pick up your speed and energy, helping you go the extra mile. Similarly, color can draw you in and get you under or over-energized. For instance, too much red in your aura can make you excessively angry.
Let's take a look at the colors and sounds associate with each of our seven major chakras:
Most of us accept energy from predominately one or the other of these two channels. If you do, you will easily become separated from reality, and lose focus of the present moment. We all know people who live in the past and dwell on what has been, caught in nostalgia. Also we know those who always project their energy in the future, hoping for better things, wishing their lives away.
Our aura has a specific structure and is made up of seven layers. Just like the Russian matryoshka doll, the aura is like this and the smallest doll represents our physical body.
Each layer is larger than the other and each body intersects the others.
The first three bodies lie closest to our physical body:
- The etheric body is the exact copy of the physical body. It follows the same contours of your physical body and extends 3-5 cm. beyond it. It is a colorless, volatile liquid ether. The etheric body acts as a link between the physical world and the more sensitive non-physical types of matter. Etheric bodies come in different colors. A sensitive person's etheric field will be bluish in color while an athletic person, greyish. The darker, heavier colors tends to indicate sickness or heavy emotions. The etheric body contains meridians or energy pathways. Since the etheric body is the physical body's twin, it is a reliable indicator of your physical health. Any changes in your physical body are reflected in your etheric body and vice versa.
- The astral body is the body of emotions
The second body extends beyond the physical body by 5-10 cm and has a clearly defined edge that mirrors the physical body. However, inside it is in constant motion – much like a lava lamp, with different clusters of matter flowing in and out of each other -joining and separating. In an emotionally healthy person, this flow is effortless and light. But in a person who's experiencing negative emotions such as aggression, there's a clotting of energy at this level.
The color of this energy changes. Healthy – light in color; not healthy; brownish grey and dark. If you have difficulty letting go of your negative emotions, your energy will stagnate, clot and obstruct you and eventually turn into a permanent state. Negative emotions such as anger, envy, aggression, desperation, resentment and inharmonious relationships with those around you, and with yourself, can promote stagnation, clots or blockages in this emotional energy. Blockages create a negative effect on health (ie. “sick with worry” “mad with rage,” “bitter and twisted”) Your astral body will either attract or repel people. - The mental body is the 3rd layer of the aura
This is the body of thought, knowledge and experience. It is highly developed in those who engage their intellect on a regular basis and less evolved in those who do not. It extends 10-20 cm beyond the physical body and, once again, mimics its contours. The body is bright yellow and flows from the top of the head downwards. When engaged in intense mental activity, this energy has a tendency to expand and its color brightens. An open mind allows energy to flow and is receptive to new thoughts and idea. A closed and negative mind prevents energy from flowing and leads to stagnation. All our thoughts and ideas and memories carry a certain amount of energy that constitutes the body.
Some memories have a very strong connection with your emotional energy (on the astra level) – ie. abused as a child, memories of abuser carry strong emotional coloring. Contrastingly, memories of an insignificant event in your life lose emotional coloring quickly. Although you may be affected on a mental level, it won't have the same impact as a memory that combines your astral and your mental energies. A mental energy coupled with a negative astral energy can be a drain on your overall energy for YEARS and affect your physical well-being.
All experiences leave a footprint on our energy path. Your attitude towards events and your ability to let go of bad experiences indicate the general health and well-being of your mental energy. - The Karmic Body is the immortal body
Believed to transfer from life to life. Comprises the energy that you receive for all actions you take, or simply propose to take. For instance, karma, “what goes around, comes around – what you give is what you get” This body is able to be seen as a cloud extending 20-30 cm from the physical body. Color is rose quartz and because of its position, being so close to astral and mental bodies, it has a strong influence on our belief systems, our thoughts and emotions and indeed, our actions. This body doesn't die with us but it leaves the physical body and is reborn in another body. - The intuitive body is the container for the previous bodies
Dark blue in color, 50-60 cm outside the physical body. Inside the oval is a space that defines the contours of the other bodies. Aura is abstract. This level is considered to be a template for our uniqueness, our inner identity. It's also the level for which we can create through our words and thoughts. - The divine body looks like the sun with heat emanating from its circumference and resembles a child's drawing of the sun
Highly spiritual people, or those adept at meditation, access energy on this level and feel ecstasy. It looks like heat or a glow. The haloes on icons of saints or pictures of Christ and angels are pictorial representations of this energy. This is the level of unconditional love – our emotions set onto a spiritual level. - The Kether body – psychics call this the soul or causal body
Aura's outer “skin” contains all the other layers within it. It has a protective film of 1-2 cm and is the finest of our auric layers, but also the strongest and most resilient. Tends to be dense, resistant and elastic so that it can stretch but not break. It protects the aura from contamination from external forces and influences and has a connection to a higher force. This is the hard drive for your life, our spiritual template.
If you want to take care of your health and well-being, it's essential to understand your own energy system. The human aura has areas that serve as energy depots and these areas store our energy and transmit it to our organs. They are known as chakras.
Our aura is a result of two force fields interacting– the cosmic (coming down) and the terrestrial (rising up). These forces cross as they travel through our bodies, and their central crossing points are where we find the chakras.
Our chakras help us transform the energy they receive from these two forces and the energy of our environment (diet, relationships, etc) into forms of energy that the body can utilize. Each chakra in our aura is strongly connected to the physical body, and governs certain physiological processes. This is why when one of our chakras is damaged, suffering can be immediately detected or traced in a related organ.
Our chakras must function properly if we want good health. When functioning healthily, it's similar to a mini shining tornado. If damaged, it begins to grow dull or wilted. We all have seven major chakras and they are based along the spine in specific places.
Each chakra energy spiral turns in a clockwise direction and exert and influence us through the etheric, astral, emotional and mental bodies. Each chakra creates a vibration, the frequency of which correlates with a specific color and sound.
COLOR affects our bodies very specifically. Color is the expression of vital generative life force of light, the force that sustains us. Color is actually wavelengths of active moving energy Each wavelength has a unique signature and characteristics that impact us in a specific way. Colors constantly interact with our bodies and greatly affect our feelings and emotions.
Just as colors affect us vibrationally, so does music. You can be in the gym and a rock track comes on the radio motivating you to pick up your speed and energy, helping you go the extra mile. Similarly, color can draw you in and get you under or over-energized. For instance, too much red in your aura can make you excessively angry.
Let's take a look at the colors and sounds associate with each of our seven major chakras:
The base chakra (muladhara) the coccyx center
Lowest chakra, located at base of spine, positioned between the anus and the genitals. Considered to be our core or base center crucial to our survival. Its function is to give us energy and stability in our lives.
If life's not going well, or our welfare's at stake, this chakra is activated. It's one of our main reservoirs for energy and is related to our reproductive organs, the anus, and the legs. If unbalanced, we're likely to suffer from complaints like hemorrhoids, inflammation of the prostate and ovaries, and circulatory problems in the legs.
This 1st chakra feeds our physiological ability to survive, to be confident and stable, and feel grounded as a human being. Its a direct channel for the energy we absorb from the ground, the earth. It is reddish in color and is representative of the musical note “Doh” (C), a low bass grounding note. -
The navel chakra (svadhisthana)
Based in the center of the lower part of the abdomen, between pubic area and navel. Governs inner vitality and its function is to absorb and store vital energy know as qi or prana from food. It's connected to our sexual function and our creative potential. Important center for our body's defense system. This energy center controls our adrenal glands, kidneys, and bladder and is connected with the ovaries in women. When imbalanced, we suffer from impotence, frigidity, and hypersexuality, illnesses of the kidneys and bladder, and infertility. If functioning well, it feeds energies like patience and endurance. When imbalanced, it leads to anxiety, frustration, and fear. It's our center of attachment, non-attachment, and the center for keeping things under your control. If you want self-mastery, you need to learn how to keep this chakra under control. Also the center related to giving birth, whether a child or an idea, poetry, or some other creative endeavor. Sex and creativity use energy from this chakra. The color is orange and it's represented by the musical note “Re” (D). -
The solar plexus chakra (manipura)
Located in solar plexus region, above the navel but below the ribs. Responsible for our vitality and is one of the most important chakras since it governs our visible energy, our ability to act in an energetic fashion and to do things. We connect to the outside world through this chakra and when uncertain of ourselves, we may intuitively fold our arms to protect this chakra. When balanced, we're full of energy. It feeds the liver, spleen and the digestive system. Imbalance leads to ulcers, gallstones and poor digestion. It's responsible for characteristics like decisiveness, independence, willpower and a colorful personality. When imbalanced, we may become irritable, lacking in confidence, greedy and full of guilt. The color of this chakra is yellow and its musical note is “Me” (E). -
The heart chakra (anahata)
Positioned in the center of the chest, between your nipples. It's the body's emotional and spiritual center and is used to relate to your loved one and connects you strongly to your parents. Many cultures believe this is where the soul lives. This chakra is believed to awaken our inner beauty, makes our body attractive and activates our ability for extrasensory perception. It regulates and sustains our biorhythms and is connected to the heart, lungs and respiratory system. When not functioning properly, it leads to heart disease, hypertension and respiratory illnesses. When working well, it relates to qualities like love, compassion, kindness and efficiency. When imbalanced, we become unfeeling, emotionally shut-down and passive, feeling flat and miserable. The chakra color is green and the musical note, “Fah” (F). -
The throat chakra (vishuddha)
The fifth chakra lends the ability to access the past and the future. Very sensitive to any change in emotions and responds to art – aesthetics and ethics. You may be moved by looking at a piece of art, listening to a beautiful piece of music and feel warmth and joy spread throughout your body until it feels as if it takes you by the throat. A nervous cough before giving a presentation is our attempt to activate this chakra and free the energy in this area. Artists or those working in the creative world tend to be dominated by this chakra. It's our center for verbal expression and communication with the outside world. The organs connected with this chakra are the thyroid, the neck vertebrae, lower jaw and trachea. Disease of the throat leads to inflammation of the throat, diseases of the thyroid, a tendency toward colds and flu, and discomfort in the neck, When this chakra functions normally, communication and expression flow, your creative potential is increased, as is your inspiration. When imbalanced, we tend to be prone to obsessive ideas or behaviors. We become too attached to set behavioral patterns and are much less expressive. This is also the chakra of guilt. This chakra color is light blue and the musical note, “Soh” (G). -
The third eye (ajna)
Found in the middle of your forehead, spot right between your eyebrows, known as the “third eye.” The sixth chakra is considered to be the center of wisdom and most important chakra of meditation. It's connection to qualities of will and willpower and paranormal abilities. It's the chakra of intuition and strategy. Healthy third eye chakras are generally people with good tactics who always know how to see the way out of difficulty and are good leaders. The mantra “Ohm” is related to this chakra and is closely located to the pituitary gland, the brain and the neck. When functioning normally, this chakra activates the intellect, psychological abilities, the imagination and the ability to picture things clearly and vividly. If imbalanced the individual will experience lack of concentration, a stagnant mind and can be prone to schizophrenia. Imbalance leads to headaches and poor connection between the conscious and unconscious minds. The color of this chakra is electric blue and its musical note is “La”(A).
The crown chakra (sahasrara)
This chakra is found above the top of the head and accounts for our connection with our higher self. If open, we can enter enlightenment. When activated we can feel no restrictions of time or space. It responds well to the chanting of mantras. Connected with enlightenment, cosmic/higher love and an ability to accept the energy of the universe. This is when we feel in tune with the world, feel protected and at one with the universe. If unbalanced, we feel shut off from the world, mind races and may feel like our head is full of bees swarming in a hive. When not working well, can lead to high intercranial blood pressure and brain tumors. The color is violet and the musical note “Te” (B).
- Ida is the left channel or the channel of the past. It runs from the coccyx, from the left side of the spine to the right side of the brain and intersects the third eye. Energy in this channel is associated with feminine energy and carries maternal impulses. People who always lie in the past - “It was better in the old days” utilize the energy from this channel. It's strongly connected to the moon and often known as the moon channel. If this channel is dominant, you will tend to breathe more through your left nostril.
- Pingala is the right channel, the channel of the future. This travels from the navel and intersects the third eye and travels to the left side of the brain, People with this disposition use energy to often talk about the future and escape into it. This channel is associated with male energy and is associated with the sun or known as the sun channel. If this channel is dominant, you will tend to breathe more through your right nostril.
Most of us accept energy from predominately one or the other of these two channels. If you do, you will easily become separated from reality, and lose focus of the present moment. We all know people who live in the past and dwell on what has been, caught in nostalgia. Also we know those who always project their energy in the future, hoping for better things, wishing their lives away.
- Sushumna is the third channel and it starts at the solar plexus and travels in a straight line through the third eye and the crown chakras. This is the most balanced channel. People using its energy live in the present, in the here and now. People who use this channel predominately, breathe evenly, using both nostrils equally. These people live a healthier happier way of living.
Svirinskaya, Alla. Energy Secrets, Hay House, New York City, 2005.