by Juliette Gamble
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, Matthew 6:22
We are all possess different levels of "seeing" in this Earth School Experience. Each journey is as unique as the "opportunities" available for us along the way, and our happiness is contingent upon our choices. We may choose to experience life through our physical eyes, seeing things only as they appear or we may choose to see with our hearts, allowing seeing what the eyes cannot.
When I decided to quit seeing with only my eyes, everything changed. I decided to focus on seeing life's beauty instead of the ugliness. This is when I started doing my work. But to do my work, I needed to close my eyes. By closing my eyes I could escape the world long enough for "making thine eye single so that I may let light enter."
If the light of the body is the eye and if I could make my eye single by turning within, my whole body could be full of light. Wow!
It's with closed eyes that I am gaining inner awareness, awakening my intuition, and learning to trust myself. Trusting myself makes trusting others possible and brings positivity for attracting what I desire from the Universe.
Through thine single eye I can shut out the noise of the world, unplug from sensory stimuli, and directly experience joyful communion within and without. Relying upon a cooperative mind, coupled with awareness of my body for listening to how it's feeling, invites my soul to enter into the picture for envisioning a life filled with excitement, curiosity, and hope.
It's in stillness that I experience the "present" moment, offering me the greatest "gift;" the gift of rest, a respite for healing, my haven for letting go of fear and worry. Only in the moment can I truly hear, feel, see, and be. It's the present that lets me release my mind's urge for control so my body can down regulate and relax. It's the present that offers a deep inner knowing that all is well, everything is provided for, reassuring me that I am safe.
The moment allows searching to cease for there's no emptiness to fill, just space to be. The moment brings everything to completion, full circle, back to center; home. The moment is usually sought alone, seized in the darkest, deepest inner recesses of the soul-- for by risking courageously with unwavering faith that I re-discover my glorious light. I am so blessed for eyes that see but most grateful for my heart that lends such love and wisdom for seeing with God's light. Only by attuning with God's light can my gifts be so fully illumined.
The outer world can no longer bombard my peace when I see with my heart. Eyes that see with my heart no longer judge. Eyes that see with my heart understand another's pain as they can listen and understand. Eyes that see with my heart offer calm, safe, reassuring space for helping and healing. Eyes that see with my heart encourage remembering who I am, a powerful, loving, creative child of God, very loved and one with all.
My imagination soars when my heart provides space for my mind to let go. When my mind, body, and soul work harmoniously, speaking with one another, I have freedom: to play, to daydream: to get out in nature, and to simply notice. Now when my mind thinks it knows, my heart gently reminds it to listen and respect Spirit's guidance. Acceptance for the things my eyes see is made possible with a loving, open heart that permits Spirit to dwell, allowing me to see God everywhere.
Going into the darkness is not as daunting when there's awareness of the light available for guidance. I can ask for what I need and better discern those things I can change from those which I cannot. Acceptance for what I cannot change brings an ease and flow with life that keeps me grounded and able to receive. Knowing life will continue serving me lemons does not deter me from making, enjoying and serving lemonade to others.
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, Matthew 6:22
We are all possess different levels of "seeing" in this Earth School Experience. Each journey is as unique as the "opportunities" available for us along the way, and our happiness is contingent upon our choices. We may choose to experience life through our physical eyes, seeing things only as they appear or we may choose to see with our hearts, allowing seeing what the eyes cannot.
When I decided to quit seeing with only my eyes, everything changed. I decided to focus on seeing life's beauty instead of the ugliness. This is when I started doing my work. But to do my work, I needed to close my eyes. By closing my eyes I could escape the world long enough for "making thine eye single so that I may let light enter."
If the light of the body is the eye and if I could make my eye single by turning within, my whole body could be full of light. Wow!
It's with closed eyes that I am gaining inner awareness, awakening my intuition, and learning to trust myself. Trusting myself makes trusting others possible and brings positivity for attracting what I desire from the Universe.
Through thine single eye I can shut out the noise of the world, unplug from sensory stimuli, and directly experience joyful communion within and without. Relying upon a cooperative mind, coupled with awareness of my body for listening to how it's feeling, invites my soul to enter into the picture for envisioning a life filled with excitement, curiosity, and hope.
It's in stillness that I experience the "present" moment, offering me the greatest "gift;" the gift of rest, a respite for healing, my haven for letting go of fear and worry. Only in the moment can I truly hear, feel, see, and be. It's the present that lets me release my mind's urge for control so my body can down regulate and relax. It's the present that offers a deep inner knowing that all is well, everything is provided for, reassuring me that I am safe.
The moment allows searching to cease for there's no emptiness to fill, just space to be. The moment brings everything to completion, full circle, back to center; home. The moment is usually sought alone, seized in the darkest, deepest inner recesses of the soul-- for by risking courageously with unwavering faith that I re-discover my glorious light. I am so blessed for eyes that see but most grateful for my heart that lends such love and wisdom for seeing with God's light. Only by attuning with God's light can my gifts be so fully illumined.
The outer world can no longer bombard my peace when I see with my heart. Eyes that see with my heart no longer judge. Eyes that see with my heart understand another's pain as they can listen and understand. Eyes that see with my heart offer calm, safe, reassuring space for helping and healing. Eyes that see with my heart encourage remembering who I am, a powerful, loving, creative child of God, very loved and one with all.
My imagination soars when my heart provides space for my mind to let go. When my mind, body, and soul work harmoniously, speaking with one another, I have freedom: to play, to daydream: to get out in nature, and to simply notice. Now when my mind thinks it knows, my heart gently reminds it to listen and respect Spirit's guidance. Acceptance for the things my eyes see is made possible with a loving, open heart that permits Spirit to dwell, allowing me to see God everywhere.
Going into the darkness is not as daunting when there's awareness of the light available for guidance. I can ask for what I need and better discern those things I can change from those which I cannot. Acceptance for what I cannot change brings an ease and flow with life that keeps me grounded and able to receive. Knowing life will continue serving me lemons does not deter me from making, enjoying and serving lemonade to others.